Fuel poverty and extreme fuel poverty: estimates

This publication provides the latest estimates of Fuel Poverty and Extreme Fuel Poverty under the proposed new definition, following the amendments agreed at Stage 2 of the Fuel Poverty (Targets, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Bill.


1. The uplifts that were applied to the MIS for households in RRRSTI areas were estimates, based on the approach taken by the 2017 Scottish Fuel Poverty Definition Review Panel which used average data from the MIS for remote rural Scotland published by Highlands and Island Enterprise in 2013. For working age single or couple households the uplift is 15%, for pensioner single or couple households it is 19% and for family households it is 27.5%.

2. The fuel poverty equality impact assessment, which includes 2016 results is available here: https://www.gov.scot/publications/fuel-poverty-target-definition-strategy-scotland-bill-fuel-poverty-strategy-9781787810426/. This was preceded by the interim equality impact assessment, which contained 2015 results and is available here: https://www.gov.scot/publications/interim-equality-impact-assessment-record-fuel-poverty-strategy-scotland-warm/


Email: esther.laird@gov.scot

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