Justice vision and priorities delivery plan 2018-2019 and overview of progress 2017-2018

Overview of progress to the actions set out in 2017-2018 Justice Vision and Priorities Delivery Plan and new approaches and additional actions for the coming year 2018-2019.

Priority 2

We enable our people, economy and infrastructure to respond to major risk, recover from emergencies and adapt to emerging threats.

Key Achievements by Priority in 2017/18

  • Action Plans on Cyber Resilience were published to equip our citizens with the knowledge and skills they need to operate safely in the digital world, to improve resilience to cybercrime across the public, private and third sectors, and to realise the economic opportunities presented by cyber resilience. /policies/cyber-resilience/public-private-third-sector-cyber-resilience/
  • A Cyber-crime evidence review was published in March 2018, providing a clearer picture of the nature, scale and impact of cyber-crime in Scotland. https://gov.scot/Publications/2018/03/2464
  • The first Scottish Risk Assessment was published to support the work of the Scottish Resilience Partnership ( SRP) in December 2017.
  • Ready Scotland, the Scottish Government's resilience public awareness campaign, has been reviewed and refreshed to deliver a flexible, year round campaign that can quickly promote geographically targeted public safety measures in response to severe weather warnings.
  • The strategic delivery of counter terrorism in Scotland was reviewed, putting in place new governance structures to ensure that delivery remains effective, appropriate and proportionate for Scotland and against all forms of threat.
  • Partners co-ordinated responses to a range of emergencies including cyber, weather and Grenfell.
  • Resilience was embedded into the Curriculum for Excellence in Scottish schools with Scottish Water, the Scottish Power Energy Networks ( SPEN), South of Scotland Electricity ( SSE) and Education Scotland.
  • 18 pilot trials were successfully held on 'Out of Hospital Cardiac Arrest' provision by fire fighters around Scotland with a positive evaluation.
  • The SFRS in collaboration with a range of key partners is developing a holistic assessment of community risk and vulnerability. This will allow the development of local and national partnerships to better identify and address local needs.

We will continue to prioritise activity and resources to ensure that individuals, communities and businesses are best prepared to protect themselves from and respond to threats such as cyber-enabled crime and terrorism. We will take action to minimise the potential impact and disruption to our economy of risks and emergencies such as flooding and other weather and health-related incidents.

New Activity for 2018/19

  • SG will commission and conduct research into public attitudes to, and knowledge of, key resilience advice, and the differing community experiences of severe weather across Scotland.
  • The development of the Scottish Risk Assessment ( SRA) will be taken forward by producing five new hazard scenarios and will review the ten existing scenarios to ensure they are based on the most up to date evidence. The next iteration of the SRA will be published in July 2019.
  • The funding and spending capacity of Scotland's fire and rescue service will be increased by £15.5m to enable service transformation; wide consultation on SFRS proposals for change; and work is underway to deliver a fleet of rapid response vehicles with new technology in rural Scotland.



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