Judicial mandatory retirement age: consultation analysis

Report of the responses received to our consultation on Judicial Mandatory Retirement Age (MRA), which welcomed views on the MRA for devolved judicial office holders in Scotland whose MRA falls within the legislative competence of the Scottish Parliament.

The consultation

8. The online public consultation began on 2 November 2020 and remained open for six weeks. The consultation closed on 14 December 2020. The consultation also invited responses by post and email.

9. The consultation asked respondents for their thoughts on issues surrounding the MRA. The questions covered:

  • Whether the MRA for Scottish judicial offices should be raised, and if so, whether this should be to 72 or 75, and what impact this may have on the diversity of the judiciary
  • Whether the MRA for Scottish judicial offices should maintain parity with the MRA for JOHs in the rest of the UK
  • Whether judicial appointments should be extended beyond the MRA, as is currently possible for some offices when it is in the public interest


Email: JudicialMRAconsultation@gov.scot

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