
Inpatient Experience Survey 2018: national results

National results of the 2018 Inpatient Experience Survey. Comparisons have been made with the previous iterations of this survey where possible.

10. Care and Support Services


  • Of the people who needed care or support services after leaving hospital, 82 per cent were positive about the care and support that they received. This percentage has remained broadly steady over time.
  • Sixty seven per cent of people completely agreed that they were confident that arrangements had been made before they left hospital. A further 21 per cent agreed "to some extent".
  • Forty five percent of people completely agreed that they had a choice in the care or support services arranged for them, with a further 24 per cent agreeing to some extent.


Among those people who responded to the survey, 42 per cent needed care or support services to be arranged for them when they got out of hospital. When asked about the types of care or support needed, the most common response was "equipment or home adaptations"; 40 per cent of people said that they needed these. Thirty per cent said that they needed home care support, and 25 per cent said that they needed personal care. Three per cent said that they needed a place in a care or nursing home.

Of the people who needed care or support services, 82 per cent were positive about the care and support that they received. This percentage has remained broadly steady over time, see Figures 10.1 and 10.2.

Figure 10.1 : Overall rating of care and support after leaving hospital, 2018

Figure 10.1 : Overall rating of care and support after leaving hospital, 2018

Figure 10.2 : Overall positive rating of care and support after leaving hospital

Figure 10.2 : Overall positive rating of care and support after leaving hospital

NOTE: Data for the 2012 survey have not been weighted to account for non-response and so is not directly comparable to the 2014 to 2018 surveys.

Care and support arrangements

When asked about their care and support arrangements, Figure 10.3 shows that 67 per cent of people completely agreed that they were confident that arrangements had been made before they left hospital. A further 21 per cent agreed "to some extent". Similar percentages agreed that they were given enough information about these care and support arrangements.

Forty-five percent of people completely agreed that they had a choice in the care or support services arranged for them, with a further 24 per cent agreeing to some extent.

Figure 10.3 Summary of responses to care and support arrangements, 2018

Figure 10.3 Summary of responses to care and support arrangements, 2018



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