Humanitarian emergency fund: independent review

Independent review of the HEF to assess impacts and possible improvements.

Appendix 4: Interview question frameworks

The following guides were used for the semi-structured interviews and to direct group discussion.

Question guide for HEF Panel members, Chair, Deputy Chair and Secretariat

  • Can you tell me how long you've been involved with the HEF Panel?
  • Do you feel you spend a proportionate amount of time on HEF-related work? (How much time do you spend on HEF, is it in your job description / a formally assigned role within your org?)
  • How do you think the panel is functioning?
  • Would you like your organisation to remain a panel member in future? Why?
  • How easy is it to measure the impact of HEF-funded projects?
  • Are there ways the HEF could tell its story better to the Scottish public?
  • What would you like to change about the HEF's work in future?
  • We've been looking at some key trends in humanitarian aid: localisation (Grand Bargain); alignment with development work; Leave No One Behind; safeguarding; protracted emergencies; cash transfers; role of private sector. How do you feel the HEF's work has responded to sector trends to date? Anything you'd add? [Prompt if needed re Leave No One Behind or safeguarding?]
  • What are your overall reflections about the success of the HEF since it first began? Anything you particularly want us to keep in mind during this review?

Question guide for non-HEF organisations and experts (for adaptation as appropriate to respondent)

  • Can you tell me what you know of the HEF?
  • What is your perception of it as a funding mechanism for humanitarian assistance?
  • Would you like to be more involved with it? Why/why not?
  • What would you like to change about the HEF?
  • Are there ways the HEF could tell its story better to the Scottish public?
  • We've been looking at some key trends in humanitarian aid: localisation (Grand Bargain); alignment with development work; Leave No One Behind; safeguarding; protracted emergencies; cash transfers; role of private sector. What are the key trends the HEF needs to address as it looks ahead? Anything you'd add?
  • How well has the NGO sector in general been responding to these trends? What should we expect of them?
  • Are there any country examples you can think of that would be useful for the HEF?
  • Is there anyone else we should speak to?

Question guide for HEF Panel meeting I

  • What has been the focus of the panel's work over the past 2 years?
  • What have you learned, and how have things changed?
  • How do you feel you've achieved against the original objectives?
  • What do you think is the HEF's biggest strength?
  • And its biggest weakness?
  • What would you like to do differently in future?
  • Is there anyone else we should speak to?

Question guide for HEF Panel meeting II

  • How do you feel the HEF would continue to function and have the most positive impact if funding from Scottish Government were reduced? If the HEF budget were to be reduced: do you think it likely that humanitarian organisations would continue to participate?; do you think it likely that they might continue to participate in a different way, and if so what way?
  • If Scottish Government were to reduce its annual funding of the HEF, could additional funding be brought in from alternative sources? What would be needed to achieve this?
  • A number of interviewees to date have stated that the HEF would benefit from more funds. How would you see the HEF changing if more funding were made available through this channel from the Scottish Government? What range of positive impacts would you expect to see from more funding being channels through the HEF?
    • Do you feel Stream 2 of the HEF could be better targeted?
    • A specified geographic focus?
    • A specified thematic focus?
    • A different apportioning of funding to Stream 1/Stream 2?
    • Anything else?
  • What other changes or factors do you feel would help Stream 2 function at its optimum, whilst always still in line with its stated aims?



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