Independent Review into the Delivery of Forensic Mental Health Services: progress update report 2024

Update on the progress towards delivering the recommendations from the Independent Review into the Delivery of Forensic Mental Health Services (the “Barron Review”). This should be read in conjunction with the Barron Review final report and the Scottish Government response.

Ministerial Foreword

This report provides an update on the progress towards delivering the recommendations from the Independent Review into Forensic Mental Health Services (the “Barron Review”).

I want to thank everyone who has contributed to the work highlighted in this report, including those involved in short life working groups and options appraisals and those who have taken time to meet with officials to explore these recommendations. This has been invaluable in our understanding of current forensic mental health services.

The Scottish Government continues to support work that will deliver these recommendations, including improvements for patients, carers and families and to ensure recognition of forensic mental health services as an invaluable part of health provision in Scotland. There have been several new publications since the Scottish Government's response to the Barron Review, including the Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy and the final report of the Scottish Mental Health Law Review. These will both be important to consider as we take forward the recommendations. We continue to believe in an inclusive approach to inform future reforms and to working with partners to take forward recommendations.

I hope this paper provides a helpful update on the progress of the recommendations.

Maree Todd MSP
Minister for Social Care, Mental Wellbeing and Sport



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