
Improving protection given to Priority Marine Features: responses to scoping consultation

Summary of responses received to our consultation on the scoping of the project to improve protection of Priority Marine Features outside the Marine Protected Area network.

The scoping consultation

This consultation[3] took place between 05 July and 31 August 2018. Scoping is an essential part of the process required under the Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005. Normally such consultations only involve certain authorities but on this occasion the Scottish Government opted to have a wider consultation.

The following documents were published as part of the consultation:

  • Consultation document
  • The scoping report
  • SNH guidance documents for each of the 11 Priority Marine Features
  • Fishing footprint map layers
  • A potential management approach map layer

The consultation asked nine questions, and a total of 57 responses were received. There were 24 responses from organisations and 33 from individuals. Analysis of each question is provided below.



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