Impacts of Open Pen Freshwater Aquaculture Production on Wild Fisheries

Impacts of Open Pen Freshwater Aquaculture Production on Wild Fisheries. The study described in this report was commissioned by Marine Scotland, against a backdrop of concerns about the possible impacts of freshwater aquaculture on the health of wild sal


1. David Crawley, Chair of the Scottish Mixed Stock Salmon Fisheries Working Group.


3. Scottish Fish Farm Production Survey Report, 2010. Marine Scotland Science

4. See, for example, Scottish Salmon Producer Organisation Industry Research Report at:


6. Economic Impact of Game and Coarse Angling in Scotland, Scottish Executive, 2004



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14. See for example:

15. See Section 6.4.

16. modified from Figure 6 by Richard Corner in Bergheim et al., 2009

17. modified from

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19. Source: Gilbey et al. GENIMPACT


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79. Colin Adams from Maitland and Adams (in prep) Charr in Lochs of Scotland: An Assessment of Distribution

80. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, 2007. Second Report by the UK under Article 17 on the implementation of the Habitats Directive from January 2001 to December 2006. JNCC, Peterborough



83. See for example: Thorarensen and Farrell 2011 -

84. MSS Annual Survey 2010.






90. Source: Nofima,



93. In: The Atlantic salmon: genetics, conservation and management. By Eric Verspoor, Lee Stradmeyer, Jennifer L. Nielsen, Atlantic Salmon Trust




97. (

98. Verspoor, E., Knox, D. and Marshall, S. (2009) Assessment of the Direct Genetic Impacts of Escaped Farm Salmon: a retrospective study of a wild Scottish stock. ICES CM2009/ Q:05.

99. Anonymous (2003) STATUS OF RAINBOW TROUT IN SCOTLAND: The Results from a Questionnaire Survey. Scottish Fisheries Information Pamphlet No. 23 2003

100. L.-H. Johansen, Jensen, I. Mikkelsen, H. Bjørn, P.-A. Jansen, P.A. and Bergh, Ø. (2011). Disease interaction and pathogens exchange between wild and farmed fish populations with special reference to Norway. Aquaculture 315: 167-186.

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102. Gilbey, J. and Verspoor, E. (submitted). Individual-based modelling of the demographic impacts of genetic introgression of farmed Atlantic salmon into wild populations. Aquaculture Environment Interactions

103. Beveridge, M.C.M., 1984 Cage and pen fish farming. Carrying capacity models and environmental impact. FAO Fish.Tech.Pap., (255) : 131 p.


105. Verspoor, E., Knox, D. and Marshall, S. (2009) Assessment of the Direct Genetic Impacts of Escaped Farm Salmon: a retrospective study of a wild Scottish stock. ICES CM2009/ Q:05.

106. Cross, T.F et al. (2007) Stocking and Ranching. Chapter 11, In The Atlantic Salmon: Genetics, Conservation & Management (Verspoor, E., Stradmeyer, L & Nielsen, J.L., eds). Blackwell Publishing, Oxford. pp 325-356.

107. Refer to MSS 2010 Annual Survey: current freshwater cage farms produce an average of 326 tonnes per annum.




111. See for example:,Steve.pdf



114. See for example:


116. This is distinct from EBIT after adjustment for remaining biomass in the water and some non-farming issues such as values within contracts, restructuring costs, associated company profits and losses etc. This measure is a compliance requirement and is less relevant to profitability of the farming operation.


118. The statistical authority in Norway use 12.5%, see, while anecdotally some processors estimate more and less than this


120. FAO / Globefish European Fish Price Report, November 2011



123. Data source: MSS Annual Fish Farm Surveys






129. Pan Fish were at that time separate from Marine Harvest, but merged with Marine Harvest in 2006. The Pan Fish assets in Scotland, a range of sites around Loch Fyne, Mull, Skye and the Outer Hebrides, were then "spun off" from the merged grouping and became Lighthouse Caledonia.


131. Detailed Investigation of Range of Issues to Assess the Cost Structure and Competitiveness of the Salmon Growing Industry in Scotland, Report to Scottish Government CR / 2007 / 24, Poseidon Aquatic Resource Management, 2008


133. The term river system is inclusive of freshwater lochs and other bodies of standing freshwater


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