
Housing statistics quarterly update: June 2020

Trends in approvals, starts and completions in the Affordable Housing Supply Programme.

Housing Statistics for Scotland Quarterly Update: Affordable Housing Supply (published 23 June 2020)

This quarterly statistical publication provides information on recent trends in the number of Affordable Housing Supply Programme approvals, starts and completions to end March 2020, including a comparison of the rate of supply to other UK countries.

Due to the impacts of COVID-19, the latest statistics on new housebuilding that would usually be included in this publication have been delayed, as some local authorities have been unable to provide new build data to the usual timescales. We are working with local authorities to agree reasonable extensions to submission deadlines, and are aiming to publish this new build housing data as soon as we can. Further information on this is available in Section 2.

Background information including Excel tables and explanatory notes on data sources and quality are available in the Housing Statistics webpages.

Chart 1: There have been substantial increases in annual Affordable Housing Supply Programme approvals, starts and completions since 2016 (years to end March)
Chart 1: There have been substantial increases in annual Affordable Housing Supply Programme approvals, starts and completions since 2016 (years to end March)



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