
Housing options protocol for care leavers: guidance for corporate parents

Guidance for local authorities and their community planning partners on improving housing and accommodation outcomes for care leavers.

Aims of 'Housing Options Protocol' Guidance

  • To ensure that all community planning partnerships have a 'Housing Options Protocol for Care Leavers' in place, which comprehensively address the housing and accommodation needs of care leavers.
  • To assist corporate parents and community planning partnerships in the development of local Housing Option Protocols for Care Leavers. These protocols will detail the community planning partnership's' plans for ensuring all care leavers have access to appropriate and sustainable accommodation options.
  • To help ensure consistency in the development and implementation of housing options protocols for care leavers in Scotland.
  • To ensure that care leavers are regarded as a priority group by all corporate parents and their partners.
  • To promote current practice that enables care leavers to make successful and sustainable transitions out of care and into adulthood (in respect to housing and accommodation).


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