
Highly Protected Marine Areas: policy framework

Sets out our proposed definition and aims of Highly Protected Marine Areas (HPMAs) and what this could mean for different activities taking place in Scottish waters. Also describes how we will account for socio-economic factors alongside ecological considerations and proposed new legal powers.

4. Relationship with the existing MPA network

Scotland’s existing MPA network has been developed to conserve a representative range of species and habitats in our waters. The Scottish MPA network is currently made up of several different designations, including Nature Conservation MPAs, Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs)[2]. These sites are designated for the protection of specific named features (including marine habitats, mobile species and geomorphological features) and contribute to the UK and OSPAR MPA Networks. Conservation objectives are set for each MPA in order to conserve or recover listed features. There is a presumption for sustainable use of MPAs, meaning that activities can continue, providing they do not hinder achievement of the conservation objectives.

We intend for HPMAs to form part of Scotland’s MPA network. They will complement and add value to the existing MPA network by affording high levels of protection to all marine biodiversity and associated ecosystem services within sites. The level of protection will be much stricter than for MPAs, with a more limited range of uses allowed.

HPMAs may overlap either fully or partially with existing MPAs in order to maximise the conservation benefits associated with stricter management approaches in a particular geographic location. HPMAs may also be located outside the current MPA network.

Alongside the introduction of HPMAs, the Scottish Government is also working on delivering fisheries management measures for existing MPAs, where these are not already in place, as well as key coastal biodiversity locations outside of these sites.



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