A Healthier Scotland: Consultation on Creating a New Food Body

Scottish Ministers have agreed to create a new food safety body for Scotland. This consultation on the role of the new body is an opportunity for consumers and industry to tell the Scottish Government what they think about what the new food body should do, and how food safety and standards should be addressed in Scotland in the future.

6. Consumer engagement

Question 14: Do you have any suggestions about how the new food body can engage effectively with consumers, both in developing policy and providing information and advice?

59. The new food body will be consumer-focused. The FSA engages with consumers in a number of ways, to consult and to provide information or advice. One method is by means of a consumer panel. The FSA in Scotland, in addition, engages with 'seldom-heard' consumers through a variety of organisations already engaged with these groups. We are keen to hear your suggestions for further ways in which the new food body can engage with consumers.


Email: Morris Fraser

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