Local Financial Return (LFR) 2020-2021: guidance

Guidance notes to support local authorities in completing the 2020 to 2021 Local Financial Return (LFR).

16. LFR AG: Covid-19 Grants where LA acts as Agent

This LFR has been added to the 2020-21 LFR to capture high level data on Covid-19 grants where the local authority has acted as agent. This will provide a single, central source for this information across all local authorities and Covid-19 grants.

For each grant listed in Rows 10 to 28, record the total amount of grant paid out by the local authority. These grant amounts should not be included in any other LFRs.

Validation requires that all council authorities record a value in each line, or else the checks in Column E will fail. If no grant has been paid out, please record a zero value to ensure the validation check passes.


Email: lgfstats@gov.scot

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