Getting it right for every child (Girfec): evaluating wellbeing guide

Guide for professionals in education and third sector settings.

Using the self-evaluation tool

Getting started- step by step

  • Open as a slideshow
  • Use the opening slides to set the context for staff before starting the exercise. (you may wish to prepare for this by reviewing the GIRFEC source documents highlighted in the background document.)

Interactive stage one

  • When you reach the first wheel – What are the well-being indicators and what do they mean for us? – You should explain to staff that the example definitions are provided to stimulate discussion and give a wide perspective on well-being but the aim is to agree your own set of indicators to support improvement in your school community
  • Use the navigation buttons on the left of the slide to move to Stage 1 – The indicators.
  • Click on each wellbeing indicator to link to a slide showing its definitions.
  • Click on the wheel icon to return to the main slide.

Interactive stage two

  • Use the navigation buttons on the left of the slide to move to Stage 2 – What are we doing? 
  • Each wheel segment (Safe, Healthy etc) links to a blank slide for each wellbeing indicator.
  • You should direct staff on the agreed methodology for sharing and recording views. You may wish to record views and priorities on a hard copy of the wheel using stick-its or other methods.
  • Alternatively, you may wish to record agreed views and priorities as you proceed through the exercise at each stage - you can use the Word document to do this.
  • Repeat for each well-being indicator.

Interactive stage three and stage four

  • Use the navigation buttons on the left of the slide to move to the Stage 3 – How do we know?
  • Follow the same procedure as above.
  • Use the navigation buttons on the left of the slide to move to the Stage 4 – What are we going to do?
  • Use the navigation buttons on the left of the slide to move to next steps.

After the meeting

After the meeting, you can add your views / priorities to the Word document - The blank PowerPoint slide can also be updated to reflect your discussions so that next time you use the resource you’ll be able to project the previous meeting’s findings on screen.



Telephone: 0300 244 4000 - Central Enquiry Unit

Scottish Government
Children and Families Directorate
Victoria Quay

Twitter: @girfec

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