Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) Information Sharing Charter – Parents and Carers – Easy Read2022
This document is a Charter that explains how parents and carers can expect information about themselves or their child to be managed and aims to make their privacy rights easier to understand.

A charter is a guide to your rights. This charter is for parents and carers.

This charter says how information about you and your child should be managed and shared. It aims to make your rights easier to understand.

Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC) is Scotland's plan for the wellbeing of children and young people. GIRFEC puts the rights of the child at the centre of plans.

We need some information so that we can provide a service and contact you. This will help us to support your child's wellbeing.

Data Protection law says how services must manage information.

1. We will tell you what we are doing with you and your child's information and why.

2. We will not put you under pressure to agree to share information. We will tell you what information we need to provide a service.

3. We will be clear about what information we need to share.

4. We will not share information about you or your child outside of the ways explained here. Unless we are concerned that a child may be at risk of harm.

5. You have a right to ask if we have information about you or your child, what we use it for and who it has been shared with. If you are 12 and over, you can ask for this information yourself. If we do not give you the information we will tell you why.

6. We will keep information about you and your child correct and up to date.

7. If you do not agree with information we hold about you or your child, you have the right to ask for it to be changed or deleted. We will look at your request and tell you what we are going to do. If you are not happy with our decision you can complain to the Information Commissioner's Office.

8. We keep you and your child's information safe and protect it from being used when it should not be. We also make sure it does not get lost or damaged.

9. We only keep information for as long as we need it. Every organisation has its own rules about this.

10. We have a privacy notice that explains in more detail about how we collect, store, use and share personal information.

11. If you think information is not managed correctly, you can tell us. If you are unhappy with our reply or if you need advice, contact the Information Commissioner's Office:

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