
Future of low carbon heat for off gas buildings - call for evidence: analysis of responses

A report to analyse responses to the call for evidence on the future of low carbon heat for off gas buildings.

Annex 2: Acronyms used

ASHP Air Source Heat Pump
BEIS Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy
CHP Combined heat and power
CMA Competition and Markets Authority
EIR Environmental Impact Ratings
EPC Energy Performance Certificate
EV Electric vehicle
GLA Greater London Authority
GSHP Ground Source Heat Pump
HEEPS Home Energy Efficiency Programmes
HTC Hydrothermal carbonization
LCITP Low Carbon Infrastructure Transition Programme
LHEES Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies
LPG Liquefied petroleum gas
MCS Microgeneration Certification Scheme
PV Photovoltaic
RHI Renewable Heat Incentive scheme
ROC Renewables Obligation Certificates
SAP Standard Assessment Procedure
SCOP Seasonal Coefficient of Performance
SEPA Scottish Environment Protection Agency
SPF Seasonal Performance Factor
STOR Short term operating reserve
UCOME Used Cooking Oil Methyl Ester



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