Further Consultation on the Draft Public Services Reform (Inspection and Monitoring of Prisons) (Formerly Prison Visiting Committees) (Scotland) Order 2014 - Analysis of Written Responses

This report analyses the responses received to the further Consultation on the Draft Public Services Reform (Inspection and Monitoring of Prisons) (Scotland) Order 2014, which took place between 19th September and 13th October 2014. A total of 29 written submissions were considered, and the most common respondent category was “Visiting Committees” (38% of all responses).


1. Referred to as "the revised draft Order".

2. This respondent was advised that, while the material would not be included in the analysis, the response would be read by the Scottish Government and made available on the website.

3. Coyle, A. (2013) Review of Proposals to Improve Arrangements for Independent Monitoring of Prisons Edinburgh: Scottish Government.

4. Referred to as "the proposed draft Order".

5. Scottish Government (2014) Consultation on the Draft Public Services Reform (Prison Visiting Committees) (Scotland) Order 2014: Analysis of Written Responses Edinburgh: Scottish Government.

6. Scottish Government (2014) Consultation Report on Draft Public Services Reform (Prison Visiting Committees) (Scotland) Order 2014 Edinburgh: Scottish Government.

7. Scottish Government (2014) Further Consultation on the Draft Public Services Reform (Inspection and Monitoring of Prisons) (formerly Prison Visiting Committees) Order 2014 Edinburgh: Scottish Government.

8. N.b. Tables in the report do not always sum to 100, due to rounding.

9. Abbreviated to IMCOs for the purposes of this report, for ease of reading.

10. Throughout the report this proportion relates only to those respondents who ticked a box or specifically stated "yes" or "no" in their response to the question.

11. Throughout the report, this figure refers to the proportion of all analysed responses.

12. Scottish Executive (2007) Report on the Review of Prison Visiting Committees 2005 Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.

13. Coyle, A. (2013) Review of Proposals to Improve Arrangements for Independent Monitoring of Prisons Edinburgh: Scottish Government. (Op cit).

14. Scottish Government (2014) Consultation Report on Draft Public Services Reform (Prison Visiting Committees) (Scotland) Order 2014 Edinburgh: Scottish Government (Op cit).

15. The seven principles of public life, defined by the Committee for Standards in Public Life.


Email: Andrew Corrigan

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