
Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 - information request handling: annual report 2019

2019 annual report on the handling of information requests made to the Scottish Government under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 and Environmental Information (Scotland) Regulations 2004.

Appeals to the Scottish Information Commissioner


If an applicant is unhappy with the outcome of our internal review, an appeal can be made to the Scottish Information Commissioner for a decision on whether we have appropriately dealt with the request and requirement for review.

Number of appeals made

In 2019, 44 appeals were made to the Commissioner in relation to our handling of information requests.

Decisions by the Commissioner

24 Decisions were made by the Commissioner during 2019 in relation to requests made to the Scottish Government. 50% (12) were wholly or partially in our favour. 12 decisions relating to appeals about the substance of a response were fully in favour of the applicant. The remaining 4 cases related to decisions made by the Commissioner about our technical or procedural handling of requests or reviews.

More information about appeals to the Commissioner and his decisions can be found on his website[5].



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