Follow-Up Evaluation of Self-Directed Support Test Sites in Scotland - Research Findings

This follow-on evaluation built upon the initial evaluation of the self-directed support test sites which reported in September 2011. This follow-on study sought to assess continued uptake in the test sites; to identify activities to further promote and increase awareness of self-directed support and identify system wide change within the test site local authorities.


ADSW, (2009) Personalisation: Principles, Challenges and a New Approach. OLM Publishing.

Morris, J. (2011), Rethinking Disability Policy Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Viewpoint: November 2011.

Ridley, J., Spandler, H., Rosengard, A., Little, S., Cornes, M., Manthorpe, J., Hunter, S., Kinder, T., and Gray, B. (2011), Evaluation of Self-Directed Support Test Sites in Scotland, Edinburgh: Scottish Government Social Research.

Rummery, K., Bell, D., Bowes, A., Dawson, A. and Roberts, E. (2012) Counting the Costs of Choice and Control: Evidence for the Costs of Self-Directed Support in Scotland, Edinburgh: Scottish Government Social Research.

Scottish Government (2010), Self-Directed Support: A National Strategy for Scotland, Edinburgh: The Scottish Government.

Scottish Parliament (2012), Official Report of Health & Sport Committee, Tuesday 8 May 2012, Session 4. Edinburgh: Scottish Parliament.

This document, along with full research report of the project, and further information about social and policy research commissioned and published on behalf of the Scottish Government, can be viewed on the Internet at: If you have any further queries about social research, please contact us at or on 0131 244-2111.


Email: Aileen McIntosh

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