Remediable Service Statements (RSS) issued to Police Officers: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

Information requested

- As at 1st December 2024 how many RSS have been sent to officers who retired prior to Oct 2022. (Not including ill health or benefits to surviving relatives)

- Please provided a copy of any guidance provided to SPPA staff which prioritises the order in which the issue of RSS statements to officers will be allocated (Order only for ID officers who retired prior to 2022) ( EG. Who has been retired the longest , alphabetical order, most effected financially. etc. etc.)


1: As at 01/12/2024 - 93 members have received an RSS (excluding Ill Health or Survivor benefits). Out of that cohort, 82 members retired before 01/10/2022.

2: No written guidance has been provided to SPPA staff which prioritises the order in which the issue of RSS statements to officers will be allocated. Priorities are generally focusing on those that are believed to be most detrimentally impacted.

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Central Correspondence Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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