
Secondary school head and depute head teachers: FOI release

Information request and response under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

FOI reference: FOI/18/00528
Date received: 17 February 2018
Date responded: 16 March 2018

Information requested

1. How many secondary Headteachers are there in Scotland?

2. How many of these secondary Headteachers come from a Physical Education specialism background?

3. As a % how many secondary Headteachers were Physical Education teachers?

4. How many secondary Senior Managers(DHTs, Headteachers) are there in Scotland?

5. How many of these secondary Senior Managers come from a Physical Education specialism background?

6. As a % how many secondary Senior Managers were Physical Education teachers?

7. Is there any evidence of training in literacy and numeracy improvement strategies/research for all Scottish Senior Managers?

8. How many Scottish secondary Headteachers come from an English or Maths teacher background? What is this as a % of the total?

9. How many Scottish secondary Senior Managers(DHTs and Headteachers) come from an English or Maths teacher background? What is this as a % of the total?


Information on teachers in Scotland is collected in the annual teacher census and is published here:

Information on the subjects taught by head and depute head teachers is collected but not routinely published. Answers to your specific questions are:

1. There were 334 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) secondary head teachers in Scotland in September 2017.

2. 26 of these head teachers had physical education as their main subject.

3. They represent 8% of secondary head teachers.

4. There were 1,443 secondary head and depute head teachers in September 2017.

5. 124 of these teachers had physical education as their main subject.

6. They represent 9% of secondary head and depute head teachers.

7. Education Scotland has led School Leadership events focused on all aspects of Curriculum for Excellence, including literacy and numeracy. More recently, regional events focused on Pupil Equity Funding, which include content on literacy and numeracy, as well as health and wellbeing are available to all Scottish school leaders to attend.

8. 98 secondary head teachers had English or maths as their main subject, this represents 29% of all secondary head teachers.

9. 254 secondary head and depute head teachers had English or maths as their main subject, this represents 18% of all these teachers.

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Central Enquiry Unit
Phone: 0300 244 4000

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
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