
Pharmacists in Scotland - five-year integrated education programme: scoping report

Report on the integration of the existing four-year pharmacist degree and one-year training scheme into a single five-year programme.

Comparison with the rest of the UK

Health Education England ( HEE) has been working for the last ten years towards reforming pharmacists' initial education through the Modernising Pharmacy Careers ( MPC) Programme with the aim of introducing an integrated five year model. As an interim measure HEE are developing proposals to introduce an enhanced workplace based education infrastructure to support delivery of the pre-registration year in its current format. This will include changes to the recruitment and selection of pre-registration pharmacists with the aim of increasing the principles of values based recruitment across all funded pre-registration pharmacist posts, similar to the NES PRPS scheme. Wales and Northern Ireland have also started exploring the introduction of integrated five year programmes along similar lines.


Email: Elaine Muirhead

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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