External Review of ASH Scotland 2014

Findings from a review which was commissioned to examine and assess ASH Scotland’s performance in providing value for money in relation to the grant funding provided by the Scottish Government. It was carried out between April and June 2014.


1. The last external review of ASH Scotland was undertaken in 2008: http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2008/08/29113558/0

2. See Appendix 1 for a list of interviewees.

3. Throughout the report ASH (UK) is referred to as 'ASH in London' as many of its functions are covered in Scotland by ASH Scotland and, for the sake of consistency, ASH Wales as 'ASH in Cardiff'.

4. http://www.scotland.gov.ukb09bf94e-2883-4fc1-b191-79f39d814ab9

5. http://www.ashscotland.org.uk/about-us/our-five-year-strategy.aspx

6. ASH Scotland Board report paper 10, Decision making, 4 January 2014.

7. There are only 5 strategic outcomes, as agreed in the 2010 Board paper on 'Strategic Outcome Measures and Board Reporting'.

8. There is a constitutional option to extend term for a further 4 years if specific circumstances warrant a further extension.

9. Grant letter from the Scottish Government to ASH Scotland (2013)

10. It may be useful when reviewing the logic models also to refer to the NHS Health Scotland models on tobacco use which are clearly structured and show the four critical elements of inputs, outputs, medium and long term outcomes.

11. SDF also has 23 voluntary workers

12. Half of the AFS staff are less than full time, there are 16 staff in total.

13. 25 staff, 21.3 FTE


Email: Fiona MacDonald

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