Experiences of Supervised Bail

This report outlines in details the findings of interviews with people who had been on supervised bail. These interviews explored the bailees experiences of supervised bail and the perceived impact of supervised bail on bailee's lives and behaviour. These interviews formed one strand of a wider research project on supervised bail, and a report on the full findings of this project is published alongside this report

Annex A: Interview Topic Guide

Introduction and consent

  • Introduce self
  • Introduce the study and provide overview if necessary
  • Confidentiality
  • Any questions?
  • Confirm happy to proceed

Warm Up Questions

Bailee background - how old, where from, who live with, what do

Beginning Supervised Bail

Can you tell me how you came to be on supervised bail?

What do you think would have happened if you hadn't been put on supervised bail?

Being on supervised bail

What did you have to do for supervised bail?

How did you get on with your supervisor?

What were the rules for your bail supervision?

Did you find it easy or difficult to keep to the rules of bail supervision?

Did you breach your bail supervision? Why?

How did your bail supervision end?

General perceptions

What would you say is good about bail supervision?

What would you say is bad about bail supervision?

Has it made any difference to your life? (if so, what difference?)

Do you think it affected your behaviour at the time?

Do you think it has made any long term difference to your behaviour?

Has it had any impact on your family and/or friends?

What do you think works best about bail supervision?

If you could make any changes to bail supervision to make it work better what would they be?


Is there anything else you'd like to say about bail supervision?

Thank and close


Email: Carole Wilson

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