
Everyone Matters: 2020 Workforce Vision Implementation Plan 2015-16

This is the second annual implementation plan containing actions for NHS Boards, Scottish Government and others.

Appendix: Indicative timeline

The table below gives an indicative timeline for Scottish Government and others to complete the new actions for 2015-16 and the actions carried forward from 2014-15. The arrows indicate the start and completion times. Actions for completion during 2014-15 are not included.

Actions for Scottish Government and others 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Healthy organisational culture
Provide organisational development support and tools to NHSScotland Boards Long arrow
Develop guidance on the core NHSScotland values and the process for embedding values Long arrow
Encourage the use of NHSScotland core values to support selection onto relevant further and higher education programmes Long arrow
Develop guidance on creating a healthy organisational culture and improving wellbeing Long arrow
Sustainable workforce
Collaborate to make better use of analysis, intelligence and modelling of education and workforce data to inform longer-term planning Small arrow
Refresh workforce planning guidance taking a three-year approach which takes account of the challenges of a multi-disciplinary workforce Small arrow
Develop an integrated workforce planning approach across the wider workforce with other partners Long arrow
Identify and agree high impact workforce actions to support new and emerging service delivery models and ensure a more joined-up approach Long arrow
Capable workforce
Develop a learning and development framework and career pathways taking account of prior learning, particularly for support workers Small arrow
Provide ongoing investment in developing Quality Improvement capability across the workforce to meet the growing demand for these skills Long arrow
Integrated workforce
Develop a shared approach to Quality Improvement and skills development across health and social care Long arrow
Identify HR/workforce issues for integration to anticipate challenges and risks, and ensure that appropriate action is taken Long arrow
Effective leadership and management
Support the delivery of work on the five leadership and management priorities Long arrow
Create a portal for information about leadership and management support, tools and resources Long arrow
Ensure that national development programmes relating to leadership, management, and leading quality improvement and so on reflect the leadership and management statement Long arrow
Develop guidance and support for leaders and managers at all levels on people management skills. Long arrow

The table below gives an indicative timeline for Boards to complete the new actions for 2015-16 and the actions carried forward from 2014-15. The arrows indicate the start and completion times. Actions for completion during 2014-15 are not included.

Actions for Boards 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17
Healthy organisational culture
Promote and recognise the behaviours of individuals and teams at all levels which reflect our values Long arrow
Sustainable workforce
Use high quality workforce data and contextual information to inform local workforce plans Small arrow
Ensure that recommendations from the Working Longer Review around occupational health, safety and wellbeing are fully implemented and that flexible approaches are taken Small arrow
Capable workforce
Ensure that everyone has a meaningful conversation about their performance, their development and career aspirations Long arrow
Develop the skills and behaviours required for working collaboratively and flexibly across primary and secondary care, and across health and social care Long arrow
Integrated workforce
Continue local actions and development work to support the integration of primary and secondary care Long arrow
Work with partners toward the Health and Wellbeing outcomes developing a shared culture, values and ways of working through effective teams and local partnerships Small arrow
Provide leadership to continue to support the integration of primary and secondary care recognising the role of GPs, dentists, pharmacists and others as part of the workforce Small arrow
Effective leadership and management
Build leadership skills to lead/drive Quality Improvement Long arrow
Ensure leaders at all levels and in all professions have the skills to support the workforce through change. Long arrow


Email: Marilyn Barrett

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