
Evaluation of Working Health Services Scotland, 2010-2014

The Working Health Services Scotland (WHSS) was introduced to provide support to employees in small and medium sized businesses', whose health condition was affecting their ability to work.

The programme offers telephone based case management & some fac


1. SMEs are defined as those employed in organisations of fewer than 250 employees, including the self-employed. The Department for Business Innovation and Skills estimated that in 2015, 47.5% of those in employment in Scotland were employed in an SME (including the self-employed). []

2. The number of people employment deprived is a count of the number of people claiming relevant benefits (Job Seekers Allowance, Incapacity Benefit, Employment and Support Allowance, or Severe Disablement Allowance).

3. Note, that the figures available from the Scottish Government are for all those in work, not only those who work in SMEs.

4. Two variables concerning absence status at discharge were recorded at discharge, which show considerable discrepancies between them. The variable shown is thought to be the more reliable.

5. With HADS, a higher score suggests poorer health, meaning that if cases improve in their score, the change should have a negative sign. However, to make the interpretation simple, the sign has been reversed; therefore, in all the HADS analysis a positive sign implies improvement in HADS scores.


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