
Evaluation of police and fire reform year 4: key findings

Evaluation of police and fire reform year 4: summary of key findings and learning points from the evaluation.

Annex A: Summary of research activity undertaken as part of the evaluation of police and fire reform, 2015 - 2019

Year of the evaluation Research activity Method
1 (2015) National key informants report 33 interviews with senior representatives across policing, fire and partners
Evidence review Scoping, mapping and presenting key themes and findings from publically available reports relating to police and fire reform
2 (2016) Local geographical case studies 81 interviews with police, fire and partners in 4 case study areas across Scotland. 8 focus groups with community members (2 per case study area)
Evidence review and perspectives from four case study areas Summary of publically available evidence on police and fire reform from end of 2015 and 2016, and local experience of police and fire reform in each of the geographical case study areas.
3 (2017) Thematic case study – partnership, innovation and prevention 40 interviews with police, fire and partners with a remit for partnership and prevention work in 4 case study areas. 4 focus groups in each case study area with identified good practice examples.
National key informants report and summary of evidence Revisit 17 national key informant interviews from police, fire and partners. Summary of publically available evidence on police and fire reform in 2017.
4 (2018) International perspectives report 29 interviews with practitioners and representatives from policy and academia from 8 international case study areas (4 for police, 4 for fire).
Summary of evidence Summary of publically available evidence on police and fire reform published in 2018.
Summary of key findings and learning points from 4 years of evaluation A summary of the key findings and learning points from the 4 years of the evaluation programme.
Infographic summaries Infographics summarising the key findings and learning from years 2, 3 and 4 of the evaluation.



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