Evaluation of Integrated Resource Framework Test Sites

The report presents the findings of an evaluation of the development and implementation of the Integrated Resource Framework (IRF) in four test site areas in Scotland The IRF is a mechanism developed by the Scottish Government and partners to support shifts in the balance of care through integrated mapping information for health and social care and new joint financial mechanisms between Local Authorities and NHS Boards


The level of detail and length of discussion should be matched to the audience with whom the mapping information is being shared. The following ten point checklist was developed to address the key problems reported by test sites in their attempts to engage a wider range of stakeholders:

  • Is the purpose of sharing the data clear and agreed?
  • What role can the data play in achieving this?
  • What can be learned from local experience of presenting data to this type of audience?
  • Which data should be presented?
  • Apart from the data, what else should be presented or discussed?
  • How much data should be presented?
  • How accurate do the data have to be?
  • How might the audience react to the data presented to them?
  • How can negative reactions be anticipated and addressed or minimised?
  • What are the next steps following the presentation of data?


Email: Fiona Hodgkiss

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