European territorial cooperation programmes 2021-2027: consultation

Consultation on the design of the 2021 to 2027 European territorial cooperation (Interreg) programmes.

What happens next?

You are invited to give consideration and responses to the questions on Citizen Space or using Annex A. If you are using Annex A please return together with the respondent information form (Annex B) to:

or post it to:

ETC Team
Scottish Government
3rd Floor
5 Atlantic Quay
150 Broomielaw
G2 8LU

All responses will be published on Citizen Space according to your publication preferences. For more information see Annex C.

Your answers will be analysed and used to inform the Scottish Government's input on future programmes, which will be designed together with the other countries involved.

Each programme has slightly different timescales for the design of the future programme, however ideally all programmes should be ready to start in 2021.



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