
European Structural Funds 2014-2020 consultation document

Update on the proposals for the Partnership Agreement and operational programmes of the 2014 to 2020 European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF).


1. This consultation is taking place over a 6 week period to reflect the tight time scales presented by the regulatory framework. This consultation will close on 17 January 2014.

2. A 'Respondent Information Form' has been provided that asks information about you or your organisation and a 'Consultation Response Form' that lists the questions associated with this consultation. It is very important that the 'Respondent Information Form' - the first two pages of the form - are returned along with your response as this will ensure that we handle your response appropriately.

3. We are happy to accept your answers either on the completed form or on a separate piece of paper. Once again, please ensure that the 'Respondent Information Form' - the first two pages of the form - are returned along with your response.

4. You may answer as many of the questions detailed in the 'Response Form' as you want; there is no need to answer them all. Everything you tell us will help us know what you think about the proposals.

5. Thank you for completing this consultation. Please return your completed 'Respondent Information Form' and the 'Consultation Response Form' to by 17 January 2014.

6. Please note that unless you state otherwise, all responses to this consultation will be made publicly available on the Scottish Government's website.

For Paper copies/different format language please contact the future funds team on

This consultation is being conducted in line with the Scottish Government's consultation process Consultation: Good Practice Guidance

This consultation, and all other Scottish Government consultation exercises, can be viewed online on the consultation web pages at . You can telephone Freephone 0800 77 1234 to find out where your nearest public internet access point is. There will be no charge for this call.


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