Europe 2020: Scotland's National Reform Programme 2018

A summary of the actions taken with partners in 2017 and 2018 in pursuit of the Europe 2020 strategy ambitions of smart, sustainable and inclusive economic growth.


Scotland has a long history as a proud, outward-looking European nation. Whatever the outcome of the negotiations on the UK’s withdrawal from the EU the Scottish Government is committed to continuing to work closely with our European neighbours to share our values, knowledge and policies for the benefit of all our citizens.

Through the Scottish Government’s Economic Strategy, Scotland shares the vision set out in the Europe 2020 strategy of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. This report demonstrates that the Scottish Government is making progress not only domestically in all the areas covered by Europe 2020 – such as climate change, education, inequalities, youth unemployment and research – but also recognises the part it plays in supporting growth as part of the wider European economy.

In turn, the contribution that Europe and European funding makes to Scotland’s economy – and indeed wider society and environment – is significant, and the evidence presented here seeks to show the risk to Scotland’s future prosperity as a result of leaving the EU. That is why the Scottish Government continues to call for Scotland and the UK to remain within the European Single Market and Customs Union.

Whatever the future holds, we will continue to work constructively and co-operatively with our partners in Scotland, across Europe and more widely to deliver smart, sustainable and inclusive growth for all our citizens.


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