Justice - ethnicity research and data priorities: academic/researchers survey results

Survey results from academics and researchers in Scotland about their experience of, and priorities around, research and data on ethnicity and justice. Conducted on behalf of the Cross Justice Working Group on Race Data and Evidence.


This survey was carried out on behalf of the Cross Justice Working Group on Race Data and Evidence, in order to inform the development of their future research plan and data development plan. The aim of this survey was to ask academics and researchers based in Scotland about their priorities around research and data on ethnicity and justice, and to find out about any upcoming research they have planned, or would like to do around these issues in Scotland. A separate piece of engagement work is being carried out with community groups and organisations to seek their views.

The survey was designed by analysts within Justice Analytical Services at the Scottish Government, with input from academics at the Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research (SCCJR) and the Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR).

The survey was live for 6 weeks, from Tuesday 6 April to Monday 17 May. A link to the online survey was distributed via the following mailing lists/networks:

  • Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research (SCCJR)
  • Scottish Institute for Policing Research (SIPR)
  • Centre for Research on Racism, Ethnicity and Nationalism (CRREN)
  • Community Justice Scotland Academic Advisory Group
  • Edinburgh Race Equality Network (EREN)

A more targeted approach of emailing the survey link to an additional 37 academics who had published papers captured in an earlier research audit for the working group was also taken and the survey deadline was extended from 27 April to 17 May in a bid to boost response numbers.

In total 21 responses were received. Quantitative findings should be treated with caution, they represent the views of those who responded to the survey and cannot be said to be representative of academics / researchers working in this area more generally.

Who responded

This survey was targeted at researchers /academics based in Scotland. Table 1 shows of the 21 responses received, over three quarters (76%) were from academics / researchers based at a Scottish Institution, 5% were from academics / researchers not at a Scottish Institution and around a fifth (19%), selected “other”. “Other” responses included third sector organisations, a data user and a diplomat.

Table 1: Responses received
Role when responding to survey Percent
Academic/researcher based at a Scottish Institution 76%
Academic/researcher not at a Scottish Institution 5%
Other, please specify 19%
N 21


Email: Justice_Analysts@gov.scot

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