
Discretionary Housing Payments - creating a Scottish scheme: equality impact assessment

Equality impact assessment results document for the creation of the Scottish Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) scheme.

The Scope of the EQIA

Evidence for the EqIA was gathered by carrying out qualitative research using existing reports from a variety of online sources. Discussions on this policy were held internally with colleagues within the Homelessness Unit, Directorate for Social Security, Directorate for Child Poverty and Social Justice. It was also consulted on with external stakeholders from COSLA, LAs and third sector organisations such as Child Poverty Action Group. Throughout these detailed discussions, there have been no concerns raised around any form of discrimination, intended or unintended, against any of the protected characteristics.

During initial discussions we became aware that women, single parents, families and children are particularly affected by the benefit cap. We therefore focussed our qualitative research on these groups. We also ensured that we looked for any evidence around the impacts of the benefit cap on all other protected characteristics to ensure that we were not merely assuming there would be no negative impacts.

This is an expansion to an existing policy, converting a UK-wide DHP scheme into a fully Scottish scheme. As such, there are not extensive changes being made to the policy, only small amendments to make the policy work better for Scottish communities. Benefit cap mitigation was touched upon during the Tackling Child Poverty plan EqIA in March 2022, in which significant discrimination was ruled out and SG officials completed an EqIA for the benefit cap mitigation policy last year in which significant discrimination was again ruled out. Throughout our own research, and in consultation with stakeholders, no discrimination toward any of the protected characteristics was found in this policy. Therefore, it was decided that a full EqIA with an extensive consultation process is not necessary at this time as there are no negative impacts.



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