
Enterprise and Skills Review: call for evidence

Call for evidence for the ‘end-to-end’ review of enterprise and skills services announced by First Minister on 25 May.

Enterprise and Skills Review Call for Evidence

photograph of Keith Brown, MSP Economy Secretary

In her Priorities for Government speech on 25 May 2016, the First Minister announced an 'end-to-end' review of enterprise and skills services. Scottish Enterprise, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, Skills Development Scotland, and the Scottish Funding Council play an important role in delivering the Economic Strategy, supporting economic development in Scotland and enabling every individual to achieve their potential.

To enable the agencies to play a full role in supporting the delivery of the priorities in Scotland's Economic Strategy, and to support individuals and businesses to succeed, it is important that they collaborate behind a clear and shared vision; have a common understanding of their roles, responsibilities, and what services and investments to prioritise; and use their skills and tools to respond confidently and flexibly to changing economic circumstances.

This Call for Evidence invites you to contribute your views so we can ensure that Scottish Government and all our public agencies are delivering the joined-up support that our young people, universities, colleges and businesses need.

Keith Brown, MSP
Economy Secretary


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