
Employment Injury Assistance (EIA) delivery – next steps: Scottish Government response - easy read

Easy read version of our response to the consultation on Employment Injury Assistance held between 30 April and 25 June 2024.

Criticisms of current Scheme


The biggest number of people preferred Option 2 which means thinking about longer term changes to Employment Injury Assistance.

Some people told us they are not happy with how Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) run the current scheme and made suggestions for future changes.

Groups told us about how they help people apply for the Industrial Injuries Scheme and offer support if they need to appeal a decision.

They asked us to create a new benefit that is in line with Our Charter. This means the new benefit will be delivered with ‘dignity, fairness and respect’.

Scottish Government Response

We would like to thank people for taking the time to tell us about their experiences of helping people apply for the Industrial Injuries Scheme.

Social Security Scotland want to get decisions right first time so people do not need to appeal.

If people do need to appeal there is help to challenge a decision using Local Delivery or independent advocacy.

We work with disabled people to design our application processes to make sure they are suitable for disabled people to use.

We want as many people who are eligible to have access to the benefits they are entitled to and we actively promote this to the public.



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