Developing the general practice nursing role in integrated community nursing teams

This series of brief papers on the Transforming Roles

programme aims to update stakeholders on the professions’contribution to the wider transformational change agenda in health and social care in Scotland. The sixth paper defines the refocused general practice nursing role.


1. Information Services Division (ISD) data:

2. Competencies shown in Annex 1 are closely aligned to national work to develop competencies for district nursing and have been adapted for general practice nursing.

3. It is recognised that many nurses in general practice are employed by independent contractors, but the ability of these employers to attract talented nurses committed to a career within general practice will be enhanced if terms and conditions are comparable to those offered across the broader NHS nursing family.

4. Scottish Government (2017). Transforming Nursing, Midwifery and Health Professions' (NMaHP) Roles: Pushing the Boundaries to Meet Health and Social Care Needs in Scotland. Paper 2. Advanced Nursing Practice. Edinburgh: Scottish Government (

5. ANPs directly employed by the NHS in Scotland are recorded on the Scottish Workforce Information Standard System (SWISS).

6. Access at:

7. Scottish Government (2018) National Health and Social Care Workforce Plan Part 3. Improving Workforce Planning for Primary Care in Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Government (

8. Scottish Government (2017) Transforming Nursing, Midwifery and Health Professions' (NMaHP) Roles: Pushing the Boundaries to Meet Health and Social Care Needs in Scotland. Paper 5. Transforming Education and Career Development in Nursing. Edinburgh: Scottish Government (

9. Scottish Government (2018). Memorandum of Understanding between Scottish Government, British Medical Association, Integration Authorities and NHS Boards. Edinburgh: Scottish Government (

10. Advanced Nurse Practitioner – National Competencies resources can be accessed at:


Email: Jennifer Wilson

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