
Dementia strategy: island communities impact assessment

Considers the impact of the dementia strategy in Scotland: Everyone's Story and it's first two-year delivery plan for island and geographically remote communities.


1 Scottish Government (2022) Island communities impact assessments: guidance and toolkit

2 Islands (Scotland) Act 2018

3 Dementia statistics, Alzheimer's Disease International

4 Dementia in the future: what’s in store for our children?, Alzheimer's Research UK, 2015

5 Global action plan on the public health response to dementia 2017 - 2025, World Health Organisation, 2017

6 Islands and COVID-19: A Global Survey, University of Strathclyde, Francesco Sindico, Giulia Sajeva, 2020

7 Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation: rural deprivation evidence review and case studies, Scottish Government, 2017

8 Remotely Excluded: barriers facing Scotland's rural consumers, Citizens Advice Scotland, 2015

9 A Minimum Income Standard for Remote Rural Scotland: A Policy Update, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, 2016

10 Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation: rural deprivation evidence review and case studies, Scottish Government, 2017

11 Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation, Scottish Government, 2020

12 Islands (Scotland) Bill, Scottish Parliament, 2017

13 Disability Assistance for Older People (Scotland) Regulations 2024: Island Communities Impact Assessment, Scottish Government, 2024

14 Geographical Variation in Dementia Mortality in Italy, New Zealand and Chile: the impact of latitude, vitamin D, and air pollution, Russ, T, Murianni, L, Icaza, G, Slachevsky, A & Starr, J, 2016

15 Mid-2021 Population Estimates Scotland, National Records of Scotland, updated 2022

16 Demographic and health issues in rural aging: a global perspective, G.R. Andrews, 2001

17 Causes and Risk Factors for Alzheimer's Disease, Alzheimer's Association, 2024

18 Dementia, Mental health, Scottish Government

19 Living with dementia in rural and remote Scotland: Diverse experiences of people with dementia and their carers, K.L. Blackstock, A. Innes, S. Cox, A. Smith, A. Mason, 2022

20 Geographical variation in dementia: systematic review with meta-analysis, Tom C Russ, G David Batty, Gena F Hearnshaw, Candida Fenton, John M Starr, 2012

21 Epidemiology of presenile Alzheimer's disease in Scotland (1974-88) I. non-random geographical variation, L J Whalley 1, B M Thomas, G McGonigal, C A McQuade, R Swingler, R Black, 1995

22 Familial or sporadic clusters of presenile Alzheimer's disease in Scotland: II. Case kinship, J M Starr 1, B M Thomas, L J Whalley, 1997

23 Geographical variation in dementia: systematic review with meta-analysis, Tom C Russ, G David Batty, Gena F Hearnshaw, Candida Fenton, John M Starr, 2012

24 Dementia post-diagnostic support - Local Delivery Plan Standard; Figures to 2021/22, Public Health Scotland, 2024.

25 Dementia post diagnostic support (PDS) - Local Delivery Plan Standard; Figures to 2020/21, Public Health Scotland, latest release 2023

26 Dementia diagnosis and post diagnostic support (PDS) in Scottish rural communities: Experiences of people with dementia and their families, Anthea Innes, Paulina Szymczynska, Cameron Stark, 2014

27 Dementia and Social Inclusion: Marginalised Groups and Marginalised Areas of dementia research, care and practice, Anthea Innes, Carole Archibald, Charlie Murphy, 2004

28 RemoDem: Delivering support for people with dementia in remote areas, Alison Bowes, Alison Dawson, Louise McCabe, 2018

29 Alzheimer’s and other dementia deaths, National Records of Scotland, 2024

30 A national conversation to inform a new Dementia Strategy, Scottish Government, 2023

31 RemoDem: Delivering support for people with dementia in remote areas, Alison Bowes, Alison Dawson, Louise McCabe, 2018

32 10 care actions in hospitals, NHS Scotland

33 Carers (Scotland) Act 2016, Scottish Government, 2021



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