Suicide prevention strategy: year one delivery plan 2023 to 2024

Year 1 delivery plan of Creating Hope Together, Scotland's suicide prevention strategy for 2023 to 2024.

Appendix 1

Suicide Prevention Scotland – Delivery Collective

In the first year, the National Delivery Lead will engage with stakeholders to establish Suicide Prevention Scotland. Through a series of events and workshops the NDL will establish a framework for Suicide Prevention Scotland which will set out opportunities for engagement, networking, shared learning and will enhance co-ordination and planning of suicide prevention work across national, local and sectoral partners.

Delivery of Creating Hope Together

A diagram describing the different layers of the Suicide Prevention Scotland (Delivery Collective).

The above diagram describes the different layers of the Suicide Prevention Scotland (Delivery Collective).

This structure will bring together our delivery partners across Scotland to learn, connect and take a joined up strategic approach to delivery. It will bring together National and Local Suicide prevention leads, National Implementation Leads (who are locally focussed), representatives of third sector partners across mental health, poverty and marginalised groups, first/ emergency responders such as Police Scotland and the Scottish Ambulance Service and representatives from the private and business sectors.

The National Delivery Lead will provide leadership to the Delivery Collective, ensuring collaboration and connection across outcomes. The National Delivery Lead, along with the Strategic Outcome Leads will form the senior leadership team, leading implementation of the action plan, designing and leading an innovative approach to suicide prevention, widening networks, influencing national priorities – both in suicide prevention and beyond and actively participating in a system-wide programme of change. The Delivery Collective will build a strong, unified and cohesive suicide prevention community across Scotland which will create the conditions where everyone can feel suicide prevention is their business.

The existing delivery and implementation leads will support delivery of the actions which will support achieving the outcomes. These roles will support the planning and delivery of national actions and create the platform to ensure national and local actions are well co-ordinated and mutually supportive.

Local Leaders through their Local Suicide Prevention Leads, multi-agency structures and community planning partnerships will ensure suicide prevention is considered in the wider strategic context. Local areas will be supported by the Implementation Leads to create local action plans. The Implementation Leads will also ensure local leads are able to shape the delivery of work at a national level and share learning from work undertaken at a local level.

We know that considerable work happens across Scotland, delivered through the third and private sector which will contribute to suicide prevention. We will ensure a variety of opportunities for this wider suicide prevention community to come together to share and collaborate as we deliver the action plan.

A programme of events will be developed and published on Suicide Prevention Scotland medium page (will move to the online portal when established) which will facilitate learning and networking which helps to meet the needs of the Suicide Prevention Scotland community.



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