Coronavirus (COVID-19): support for alcohol and drug services

Information about how we are supporting alcohol and drug services during the COVID-19 pandemic.

We are working with a range of partners to support people and alcohol and drug services during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The Public Health Minister Joe FitzPatrick and Scotland’s Interim Chief Medical Officer Dr Gregor Smith wrote to health boards and Integration Joint Boards on 16 April 2020 to ensure the need for continuation of care for this group of people is prioritised. The letter is attached on this page.

There is a National Records of Scotland (NRS) delay in publishing statistical Information which includes, drug deaths and alcohol specific deaths

Information about our Wellbeing Fund and the Supporting Communities Fund was published on 18 March 2020. 

Guidance on alcohol and drug services

Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems – national guidance on contingency planning on the delivery of alcohol services

Scottish Drug Forum - national guidance on contingency planning on the delivery of drug services, opiate substitute therapy and injecting equipment provision.

The Drug Deaths Task Force are supporting COVID-19 work and are providing regular updates.

Information for homelessness organisation during the covid-19 outbreak and related funding.

Read guidance from the Scottish Recovery Consortium for the restarting of recovery support services.


Funding for alcohol and drug initiatives to address COVID-19




Scottish Recovery Consortium



Programme to support people, allowing them to continue to link with others in recovery, through SRC Networks

Scottish Drug Forum (SDF)


Programme to increase access to naloxone in new and existing settings.

We Are With You (previously Addaction)


Increase capacity within Know the Score helpline and webchat

Purchase of Injecting Equipment Provision

Public Health Scotland


COVID-19 Publicity campaign to share messages on

risks, support available and the impact on families

Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs (SFAD)


Supporting Families Fund - for a range of activities to support families affected by another’s alcohol/drug use.





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