
Coronavirus (COVID-19): NHS Louisa Jordan Governance Board minutes: 7 May 2020

Minutes from meeting of the NHS Louisa Jordan Governance Board meeting held on 7 May 2020.

Attendees and apologies

Board members

  • Fiona McQueen, Chief Nursing Officer, Scottish Government
  • Jill Young, Chief Executive, NHS Louisa Jordan
  • Alan Morrison, Deputy Director Health Infrastructure, Scottish Government
  • Jason Leitch, National Clinical Director, Scottish Government
  • Sean Neill, Scottish Government
  • Michael Kellet, Scottish Government
  • Colin Sinclair, Chief Executive NSS

In attendance

  • Ian Wallace, Medical Director, NHS Louisa Jordan
  • Ann Gow, Nurse Director, NHS Louisa Jordan
  • Gordon James, Construction and Mobilisation, NHS Louisa Jordan
  • Christine McLaughlin, Finance Director, NHS Louisa Jordan
  • Colin McDowall, Director of Clinical Operations, NHS Louisa Jordan
  • Jacqui Jones, Human Resources Director, NHS Louisa Jordan
  • Margaret Sherwood, Director of Support Services, NHS Louisa Jordan
  • Greg Thomson, Programme Director, NHS Louisa Jordan
  • Sandie Scott, Communications Director, NHS Louisa Jordan
  • Matt McLaughlin, Unison
  • Joyce Davison, BMA
  • Eileen McKenna, RCN
  • James Boyce, Scottish Government
  • Calum Henderson, Scottish Government (Secretariat)


  • Gregor Smith, Interim Chief Medical Officer, Scottish Government
  • John Connaghan, Chief Performance Officer, Scottish Government
  • Caroline Lamb, Director of Digital and Service Engagement

Items and actions


The Chair welcomed everyone the fifth meeting of the NHS Louisa Jordan Governance Board. The attendees are noted above.


The minutes of the meeting held on 24 April 2020 were accepted.

Programme update:

The Governance Board were updated on consideration being given to  potential options for NHS Louisa Jordan. There are  a number of options being considered for its potential use to support NHS Scotland through COVID-19.

Christine McLaughlin spoke to the Finance update paper. Forecast expenditure for the set up phase is £39.9 million, with £39.2 million committed as at 05 May 2020. This is a decrease of £1.7 million from last report. The overall forecast therefore is likely to be at the lower end of the cost range previously provided of £40-43 million. The Executive Team of the NHS Louisa Jordan has decided that the hospital will move to a 12 hours, 7 days a week operation. The Governance Board noted and approved the paper.

Ian Wallace spoke to the IRMER Employers Procedures paper. The inspectors were satisfied with the procedures in place. The NHS Louisa Jordan has a mobile plain film x-ray and CT scanning capability in place. The Governance Board noted the paper.

Gordon James spoke to the decommissioning paper. Work is underway to develop a plan for decommissioning and this should be available within the next 2 weeks. It will include costs. CBRE has been appointed to provide commercial support. An asset register is being developed to ensure most effective use of the hospital equipment as part of decommissioning. The Governance Board noted the paper.

Greg Thomson spoke to the Corporate Risks and Issues paper. The availability of medical workforce continues to be a challenge and may need to be escalated. Radiographer staffing is a risk too. The Governance Board noted the paper.

Jacqui Jones spoke to the workforce paper. Jacqui Jones and Ian Wallace to work with CMO’s office and Michael Kellet on improving the position in relation to medical staffing. The Governance Board noted the paper.

Key decisions :

Nothing further to report.

Communications strategy:

Nothing further to report.


The next meeting will be Thursday 21 May 2020.

Action points:

  • Jacqui Jones and Ian Wallace to work with CMO’s office and Michael Kellet on improving the position in relation to medical staffing.
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