Continuity of carer and local delivery of care: implementation framework

Framework to enable maternity services to access useful tools, resources and information to implement continuity of carer and local delivery of care, and track progress.


AfC Agenda for Change
AMU Alongside Midwifery Unit
CCLD Continuity of Carer and Local Delivery of Care sub group
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CMU Community Midwifery Unit
EAB Early Adopter Board
GIRFEC Getting it Right for Every Child
IJB Integration Joint Board
NES National Education for Scotland
NGT Nasal Gastric Tube
NHSS NHS Scotland
NTC Neonatal Transitional Care
PID Project Initiation Document
Process Mapping An approach to improvement which shows all of the steps involved in a process and how they connect, with the aim of identifying areas for improvement
RCM Royal College of Midwives
SOP Standard Operating Procedure
TEC Technology Enabled Care



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