Consultation on the Recommendations from the Scottish Licensing Review Working Group

Scottish Licensing Review Working Group Consultation

Chapter 2: Purpose of the Consultation

2.1 What are we consulting about?

2.1.1 The purpose of this consultation is to seek the views of all stakeholders, including fishermen's associations, producers' organisations and other relevant organisations, businesses and individuals, with a direct interest in Scottish sea fishing, on the proposals arising from the work of the SLRWG.

2.2 Why are the changes proposed?

2.2.1 We believe the changes proposed offer a more flexible, simple, effective and business-friendly licensing process, ensuring the necessary controls are easy to understand and not a burden on fishing businesses. Importantly, they are designed to maximise opportunities for individual Scottish fishers and the fishing fleet collectively.

2.3 Who might be affected by the proposals?

2.3.1 The fish catching sector operating in Scotland and all Scottish-administered licence and entitlement holders will be directly affected by these proposals. There may also be impacts for licence transactions involving other UK Fisheries Administrations. Some of the potential effects may be changes to current licence structures, the process of licensing vessels and the validity of licence entitlements (those that are not currently placed upon a vessel).

2.4 What will be the financial impacts?

2.4.1 It is envisaged that the proposals will involve minimal, if any, new public expenditure or operational costs to industry.

2.5 How will the proposals be taken forward?

2.5.1 The views and suggestions provided in consultation responses will be analysed and used as part of the decision making process. Final decisions on the issues under consideration will also take account of a range of other factors, including any other available information and research evidence.

2.6 By when are comments requested?

2.6.1 The Scottish Government generally allows 12 weeks for consultations. However this consultation is specific to fishing vessel licensing, with limited public interest, therefore this consultation period will last for 8 weeks. Comments are therefore requested by 10 th February 2014.

2.7 What comments are requested?

2.7.1 The Scottish Government welcomes your comments on the proposals and your responses to the following questions taken from Chapter 3.

Question 1: Capacity Penalties

Do you agree that capacity penalties on licence aggregations bring unnecessary costs to industry and should therefore be removed?

Question 2: Licence categories

A) In light of the forthcoming landing obligation, do you agree that there is a need to change the current licensing structure?

B) Do you agree with a proposal to have only one 10m & Under Licence and one Over 10m Licence?

C) Do you agree that the lowest common denominator (see section 3.2.3) should apply when transferring or aggregating a licence within Scotland?

Question 3: Mismatches

A) Do you agree to the removal of the mis-match provisions on transactions involving the use of dis-aggregated entitlements?

B) Do you agree to the proposed change in the way mis-match provisions will be recorded on the licence?

Question 4: The validity period for unattached licence entitlements (shelf life)

Do you believe the entitlement validity period should be extended to a 10 year period?

Question 5: Scallop and Shellfish Entitlements

Do you agree with the Scottish Government's proposal for the removal of scallop entitlements that have not been used within the last seven years i.e. entitlements that have not been placed on board a vessel that is rigged and operational within the fishery?

Question 6: New Entrants

Do you agree with the concept of licensing incentives to support and promote a new entrants scheme to the Scottish fishing industry?

Question 7: Days at Sea/Effort Eligibility

A) Do you agree with the removal of CRZ eligibility completely?


B) Do you agree that CRZ eligibility should be kept, with an updated reference period that will roll forward annually?

We are inviting written responses to this consultation paper by 10 th February 2014.

Please send your completed response to: (


Ingrid Drever
The Scottish Government
Marine Scotland
Area 1B - South
Victoria Quay

The Scottish Government may make the responses to this consultation paper available to the public and to the Scottish Parliament unless you ask for your response not to be published which will then be treated as confidential, and we will treat it accordingly. We will acknowledge responses and may publish an analysis of the responses after the consultation. If you respond to this consultation you are requested to complete the enclosed respondent information form attached at Annex C. This will ensure that we handle your responses appropriately.


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