A Consultation on the proposal to establish a National Confidential Forum - Analysis of Consultation Responses

A summary of respondent views on the proposal to establish a National Confidential Forum.


Written responses

33. Annex B sets out a list of organisational respondents to the consultation document. The names of individual respondents have not been included. The consultation responses of those who gave permission for their response to be made public are available at:-


Response rate

34. A total of 51 written responses were received in response to the consultation document. Individuals comprised the largest single respondent group, submitting 27% of all responses received, although responses from organisations comprised the majority overall. The number of individuals who provided written responses, and who participated in the consultation in other ways, reflects the great interest in the National Confidential Forum from former residents of care establishments who may be considering participation in the Forum.

Table 1: Number of responses by respondent group

Respondent Group Number
Individuals 14
Support organisations 5
Organisations representing survivors and former residents of care establishments 2
Third sector bodies 6
Local authorities 10
Representative organisations - trade unions or professional groups 2
NHS Boards 2
Multi-agency partnerships 2
Academic institutions 2
Public Bodies 4
Religious Organisations 2
Total 51

Approach to analysis

35. The Scottish Government has entered all of the response data, from every response received, into a database. A quantitative analysis of response rates to each of the ten consultation questions has been undertaken, the results of which are set out below. Responses to questions by respondents were assigned to one of three categories: agree; disagree; and missing. A qualitative analysis of comments provided by respondents was also undertaken by the Scottish Government, with key themes and specific points encapsulated in the analysis and key findings.


Email: Julie Muir

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