
Letter of Rights for Scotland: consultation response summary

An analysis of responses to the consultation document "Consultation on the Letter of Rights for Scotland" which sought the views of key stakeholders and members of the public on the current Letter of Rights for Scotland.


Generally speaking, around half of respondents expressed views that the existing material is easy to understand. However, despite moderate approval of the Letter, scope was identified to improve the Letter further, with a diverse range of suggestions brought forwards for doing so, as well as views expressed on where the Letter is perceived as lacking clarity, or containing conflicting information.

The Scottish Government recognises that there is a need to consider the content and format of both the 'standard' and the 'easy read' versions of the Letter of Rights to ensure that they are easy to understand and accessible to as many individuals as possible, with appropriate adjustments available as required.

Following publication of this report, the Scottish Government will establish a working group made up of key stakeholders and linguistic experts to take forward reforms of the Letter of Rights, ensuring that the views expressed during this consultation process are properly captured.



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