
Consultation on the Fair Isle Demonstration and Research MPA Proposal

The first Demonstration and Research MPA proposal has been developed by the Fair Isle Marine Environment and Tourism Initiative (FIMETI) on behalf of all residents of Fair Isle for Fair Isle.


Thank you for taking the time to consider this consultation paper. We welcome your views on the proposed designation of one Demonstration and Research Marine Protected Area (D&R MPA) to contribute to the MPA network.

This consultation considers the proposal for the Fair Isle third-party Demonstration and Research Marine Protected Area (D&R MPA), which was proposed by Fair Isle Marine Environment and Tourism Initiative ( FIMETI) during the process of developing Scottish MPA network. Marine Scotland has undertaken a full assessment of the Fair Isle proposal against the MPA selection Guidelines [1] , as well as an investigation into the estimated possible socio-economic impacts of a successful designation.

This consultation is being taken forward in parallel with a public consultation on a proposal for a Historic MPA for the wreck of Iona I, Firth of Clyde, which is being led by Historic Environment Scotland, which can be found here:

The consultation seeks the following views:

  1. Do you support the designation of the Fair Isle Demonstration and Research MPA?
  2. Do you agree that the proposal successfully meets the requirements of the Marine (Scotland) Act and MPA Selection Guidelines for designation?
  3. Do you have a view on the review period that should be applied for consideration of the success of the designation to fulfil its aims and objectives.

    • 12 years / 18 years / Other
    • Please provide reasons for your preference.
  4. Do you have any comments on the socioeconomic assessment of the proposal?
  5. Do you have any other comments relevant to this proposal?

What documents should I read to answer the questions?

In addition to this formal consultation document, the full version of the Fair Isle D&R MPA proposal [2] , as well as previous versions of the proposal, as submitted by FIMETI are available to inform your view.

The full report from ABPmer [3] , who undertook an independent assessment against the Guidelines and the impact assessment on behalf of Marine Scotland are also available.

How do I respond and get involved in the consultation?

We are inviting views via Citizen Space [4] .

Further details on how to respond can be found in Appendix A. The full questions are available in Appendix B of this document. All responses should be sent via Citizen Space; however if it is not possible for this to be used then please see alternatives in Appendix A.

What will happen after the consultation?

Scottish Ministers will take a decision on whether to proceed with the designation of the Fair Isle third-party Demonstration and Research Marine Protected Area. This will be based on the selection criteria, the socio-economic assessment and the views gathered from the consultation.

Thank you for taking the time to respond.

Image of a puffin taken by Tommy H Hyndman
Puffin © Tommy H Hyndman


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