Prohibiting smoking outside hospital buildings: consultation analysis

Main findings from an analysis of responses to the consultation on prohibiting smoking outside hospital buildings.


1. The Scottish Government, Raising Scotland's tobacco-free generation: our tobacco control action plan 2018, June 2018.

2. The Scottish Government and COSLA, Public Health Priorities for Scotland, June 2018.

3. This consultation question will have no legal bearing, as the use of NVPs is not covered in the 2005 Act in respect of either hospital grounds or around hospital buildings.

4. Based on a review of the open-ended responses and/or email addresses.

5. The Scottish Government, Raising Scotland's tobacco-free generation: our tobacco control action plan 2018, June 2018.

6. The Scottish Government and COSLA, Public Health Priorities for Scotland, June 2018.

7. As per footnote 1.

8. This consultation question will have no legal bearing, as the use of NVPs is not covered in the 2005 Act in respect of either hospital grounds or around hospital buildings.

9. In addition, the Scottish Government received three emails related to the consultation. These were subsequently not included in the total responses or subsequent analysis. The reason for excluding these emails was that they were typically one or two sentences in length and there was no attempt made to answer the consultation questions.

10. The exception is where the same individual submitted two responses - one as an individual (personal views) and the other on behalf of the organisation they work for (often an NHS body). There were no identical responses.

11. Note absolute numbers are low.

12. Note: many of those that expressed a preference for the perimeter to be increased from 15 metres did not specify to what extent.

13. Note absolute numbers of third sector organisations is low.

14. This included feedback from those who responded "Don't Know to Question 4.

15. As per Question 4, the definition of "hospital" comes from the 1978 Act.

16. NHS Ayrshire and Arran undertook their own consultation with their networks, staff and the public. The feedback informed their submission.

17. Some of whom all noted that it should be all NHS grounds.



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