THE CONCORDAT To Support Veterans into Civilian Employment in Scotland

Agreement of employment support for veterans and their families seeking civilian employment in Scotland.

Principles, Signatories and Supporters


The Scottish Government
Veterans Scotland
Careers Transition Partnership
Skills Development Scotland
The Department for Work and Pensions


Ministry of Defence

We hereby undertake to adopt the following Principles:

Principle 1: Access and Support

Ensure that our Service leavers and veterans in Scotland have access to good quality, fulfilling careers and that they, their partners and families realise ownership of, and are empowered to seek out the help and support they need to access them.

1. Organisations will continue to develop a closer joined up partnership approach to ensuring information relating to support provision for resettlement is centralised, well signposted and easily accessible to veterans, their partners and families. This will help to empower individuals to take responsibility to seek out support and help, whilst developing the skills they require to seek out sustainable employment in line with their aspirations.

2. Signatories will continue to enhance the link between providers, support services and the Armed Forces community, including ongoing monitoring of joint working arrangements.

3. Through dedicated online portals, information will be easily available, ensuring all targeted materials are accessible to veterans in the most appropriate format through the most appropriate channels.

Principle 2: Skills enhancement and development

Continue to support veterans to develop and enhance their skills and attributes and ensure that the value of skills and qualifications gained in military service are recognised when seeking civilian employment.

4. Support, where appropriate or suitable need has been identified, veterans to develop and improve their skills to the desired or required level to successfully gain employment in the aspired profession or role.

5. Provide mechanisms to translate skills and qualifications gained in military careers into measureable and recognised qualifications within the wider employment sector.

6. Delivery partners will continue to take a joined up approach to engage/re-engage veterans upon exiting the Armed Forces and thereafter, ensuring access to appropriate Careers Information Advice and Guidance (CIAG) and further training and development that advances and continues to develop their skills set.

Principle 3: Initiatives to Support Employment

Ensure veterans, their partners and family have access to on-going, relevant and high quality employment and careers information advice and guidance.

7. Appropriate employment programmes will be easily accessible to veterans and their spouses/family.

8. We will continually seek to work with employers to ensure awareness of the skills and attributes veterans offer are widely recognised by employers.

9. Public Sector Employers will be encouraged to learn from best practice, raise awareness of the Armed Forces community within the workforce and continually review internal guidance.


Email: Gillian Lacey

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