The Common-Sense Approach to Moving and Handling of Disabled Children and Young People- Easy Read

This guide is for workers and employers who work with children and young people who have moving and handling needs.


Working with disabled children and young people may involve moving and handling risks. We need to manage these risks properly - in ways that do not limit disabled children and young people's opportunities to play, and let them have a wide social experience at home, in education and in their community.

The human rights and safety of both the child and the worker must be maintained.

Some children and young people do not have access to their rights because people don't understand the rights of children and young people properly.

This is usually because:

  • People make guesses about disabled children and young people that can lead to poor practice or discrimination
  • People may worry too much about the bad things that can happen, and think less about what can help the child or young person, or what they want
  • People do not know the rules very well
  • Organisations and people are worried that they may be prosecuted if they injure a disabled child or young person when they are moving and handling them
  • People might not know the best ways to assess and manage risks
  • People cannot get hold of good advice or training about moving and handling people safely.

Moving and handling will be needed in a lot of different situations, for example, at home, playing with friends at school in break time, shopping with friends or on a school trip.

The rights of children and young people

The basic rights of children and young people in Scotland are part of the law. It is up to everyone who supports children and young people in moving and handling to keep these rights in mind, but to manage risk sensibly as well.

The rights of the worker

Employers must not ask workers to perform tasks that put them and the children and young people they care for at unacceptable risk.


Email: Carol Rice

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