Coming Home Implementation: report from the Working Group on Complex Care and Delayed Discharge

The report from the working group into Delayed Discharge and Complex Care which makes recommendations of actions to be taken at national and local levels to reduce the number of delayed discharges and out-of-area placements for people with learning disabilities and complex care needs.

Appendix Two

National Support Panel: Initiation Paper

Data from the red section of the Dynamic Support Register in each HSCP will be integrated into a national dataset, to allow national overview and long-term monitoring by the Panel of anyone within the red section throughout Scotland.

The Panel will meet regularly (including virtually) and each HSCP will report progress in relation to meeting the milestones within the Complex Support Needs Pathway, for every individual flagged as red on the Register. The Panel will monitor and support progress towards meeting milestones.

The Panel will assess and monitor progress of HSCPs' plans to develop suitable support for people with learning disabilities who are in hospital or inappropriately out-of-area. They will monitor progress against the milestones and timescales laid out in the Complex Support Needs Pathway and will provide support with action plans. The recommendations made by the panel must be informed by the wishes and desires of the individual.

The Panel will require reports, pathway updates, individual support plans, commissioning plans, and any other relevant information to assist with the primary aim of enabling people who are inappropriately placed to get the suitable support package that meets their needs within their own community. They will make recommendations to HSCPs in relation to this issue.

The Panel will report to Scottish Ministers on outcomes, themes, issues, and recommendations. This will be shared with the individual and their family, as well as the relevant Health Board, Integration Authority, HSCP and Local Authority where appropriate. The Panel will also report to communities of interest and associated partners such as the Mental Welfare Commission and the Care Inspectorate. Reports will focus on trends in local areas, such as numbers and use of inpatient bed, as well as on national trends.

It is proposed that the Panel will have a chair who will take national responsibility to lead and drive the work of the Panel, and who will lead on developing the initial implementation.

In addition, the Panel will consist of:

  • Expert by experience, probably a family member with lived experience, or a representative from a carers' organisation, e.g. PAMIS
  • Expert clinician with expertise and experience in relation to people with learning disabilities and complex support needs
  • An expert with experience of commissioning and/or developing services for this group
  • A social worker
  • Individuals with lived experience, including family members.

For each person whose action plan is being reviewed by the Panel, the following should attend:

  • Senior representative from the responsible HSCP
  • The person's Care Manager
  • The person and/or their family member, and/or their advocate, and/or their legal proxy, or other preferred person
  • Responsible clinician from the person's current place of residence
  • Others, as required, e.g. Chief Officer from the HSCP.



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