Co-ordinated, integrated and fit for purpose: A Delivery Framework for Adult Rehabilitation in Scotland

A delivery framework for adult rehabilitation in Scotland.


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2. Scottish Executive (2006) Changing Lives: Report of the 21st Century Social Work Review. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.

3. Department for Work and Pensions (2004) Building Capacity for Work: A UK Framework for Vocational Rehabilitation. London: DWP.

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11. Scottish Executive (2004) Healthy Working Lives: A Plan for Action. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.

12. Department for Work and Pensions (2002) Pathways to Work: Helping People into Employment. London: DWP.

13. See:

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15. NHS National Services Scotland (2006) A Review of the Numbers Waiting and Possible Waiting Times for an Appointment with an AHP. Edinburgh: NSS.

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42. Dorset and Somerset Strategic Health Authority (2005) Promoting Optimal Self Care. Dorset and Somerset Strategic Health Authority.

43. World Health Organization (2002) Lessons for Long-term Care Policy. The Cross-clusterInitiative on Long-term Care. General: WHO.

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45. Department for Work and Pensions (2006) A New Deal for Welfare: Empowering People to Work. London: DWP.

46. Scottish Executive (2004) Healthy Working Lives: a Plan for Action. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.

47. Department of Health (2006) Is Work Good for your Health and Wellbeing? London: DoH.

48. See:

49. Department for Work and Pensions. Press release, 13 December 2006.

50. Scottish Executive (2006) The WHO Europe Family Health Nursing Pilot in Scotland. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.

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52. Scottish Executive (2006) Delivering Care, Enabling Health. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive.

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